Search Result for "tuberculosis": 
Wordnet 3.0

NOUN (1)

1. infection transmitted by inhalation or ingestion of tubercle bacilli and manifested in fever and small lesions (usually in the lungs but in various other parts of the body in acute stages);
[syn: tuberculosis, TB, T.B.]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

Tuberculosis \Tu*ber`cu*lo"sis\, n. [NL. See Tubercle.] (Med.) A constitutional disease caused by infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (also called the Tubercle bacillus), characterized by the production of tubercles in the internal organs, and especially in the lungs, where it constitutes the most common variety of pulmonary phthisis (consumption). The Mycobacteria are slow-growing and without cell walls, and are thus not affected by the beta-lactam antibiotics; treatment is difficult, usually requiring simultaneous administration of multiple antibiotics to effect a cure. Prior to availability of antibiotic treatment, the cure required extensive rest, for which special sanatoriums were constructed. [1913 Webster +PJC]
WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006):

tuberculosis n 1: infection transmitted by inhalation or ingestion of tubercle bacilli and manifested in fever and small lesions (usually in the lungs but in various other parts of the body in acute stages) [syn: tuberculosis, TB, T.B.]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0:

165 Moby Thesaurus words for "tuberculosis": African lethargy, Asiatic cholera, Chagres fever, German measles, Haverhill fever, TB, acute articular rheumatism, aerogenic tuberculosis, ague, alkali disease, ambulatory plague, amebiasis, amebic dysentery, anthrax, bacillary dysentery, bastard measles, black death, black fever, black plague, blackwater fever, breakbone fever, brucellosis, bubonic plague, cachectic fever, cellulocutaneous plague, cerebral rheumatism, cerebral tuberculosis, chicken pox, cholera, colliquation, consumption, cowpox, dandy fever, deer fly fever, defervescing plague, dengue, dengue fever, diphtheria, disseminated tuberculosis, dumdum fever, dysentery, elephantiasis, encephalitis lethargica, enteric fever, epidemic, epiphytotic, epizootic, erysipelas, famine fever, five-day fever, flu, frambesia, glandular fever, glandular plague, grippe, hansenosis, hemorrhagic plague, hepatitis, herpes, herpes simplex, herpes zoster, histoplasmosis, hookworm, hydrophobia, infantile paralysis, infectious mononucleosis, inflammatory rheumatism, influenza, jail fever, jungle rot, kala azar, kissing disease, larval plague, lepra, leprosy, leptospirosis, loa loa, loaiasis, lockjaw, lupus vulgaris, madness, malaria, malarial fever, marsh fever, measles, meningitis, milzbrand, mumps, murrain, ornithosis, osteomyelitis, pandemia, pandemic, paratyphoid fever, parotitis, parrot fever, pertussis, pest, pesthole, pestilence, phthisis, plague, plague spot, pneumonia, pneumonic plague, polio, poliomyelitis, polyarthritis rheumatism, ponos, premonitory plague, psittacosis, pulmonary tuberculosis, rabbit fever, rabies, rat-bite fever, relapsing fever, rheumatic fever, rickettsialpox, ringworm, rubella, rubeola, scarlatina, scarlet fever, schistosomiasis, scourge, scrofula, scrofuloderma, septic sore throat, septicemic plague, shingles, siderating plague, sleeping sickness, sleepy sickness, smallpox, snail fever, splenic fever, spotted fever, strep throat, swamp fever, tetanus, thrush, tinea, trench fever, trench mouth, tuberculosis cutis, tuberculosis luposa, tuberculous meningitis, tularemia, typhoid, typhoid fever, typhus, typhus fever, undulant fever, vaccinia, varicella, variola, venereal disease, viral dysentery, white plague, whooping cough, yaws, yellow fever, yellow jack, zona, zoster