Search Result for "gram_stain":
Wordnet 3.0

NOUN (1)

1. a staining technique used to classify bacteria; bacteria are stained with gentian violet and then treated with Gram's solution; after being decolorized with alcohol and treated with safranine and washed in water, those that retain the gentian violet are Gram-positive and those that do not retain it are Gram-negative;
[syn: Gram's method, Gram method, Gram's procedure, Gram's stain, Gram stain]

WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006):

Gram stain n 1: a staining technique used to classify bacteria; bacteria are stained with gentian violet and then treated with Gram's solution; after being decolorized with alcohol and treated with safranine and washed in water, those that retain the gentian violet are Gram-positive and those that do not retain it are Gram-negative [syn: Gram's method, Gram method, Gram's procedure, Gram's stain, Gram stain]