Search Result for "trigonella_ornithopodioides":
Wordnet 3.0

NOUN (1)

1. Old World herb related to fenugreek;
[syn: bird's foot trefoil, Trigonella ornithopodioides]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

Bird's-foot \Bird's"-foot`\, n. (Bot.) A papilionaceous plant, the Ornithopus, having a curved, cylindrical pod tipped with a short, clawlike point. [1913 Webster] Bird's-foot trefoil. (Bot.) (a) A genus of plants (Lotus) with clawlike pods. Lotus corniculatas, with yellow flowers, is very common in Great Britain. (b) the related plant, Trigonella ornithopodioides, is also European. [1913 Webster]
WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006):

Trigonella ornithopodioides n 1: Old World herb related to fenugreek [syn: bird's foot trefoil, Trigonella ornithopodioides]