Search Result for "investigation": 
Wordnet 3.0

NOUN (2)

1. an inquiry into unfamiliar or questionable activities;
- Example: "there was a congressional probe into the scandal"
[syn: probe, investigation]

2. the work of inquiring into something thoroughly and systematically;
[syn: investigation, investigating]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

Investigation \In*ves`ti*ga"tion\, n. [L. investigatio: cf. F. investigation.] The act of investigating; the process of inquiring into or following up; research; study; inquiry, esp. patient or thorough inquiry or examination; as, the investigations of the philosopher and the mathematician; the investigations of the judge, the moralist. [1913 Webster]
WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006):

investigation n 1: an inquiry into unfamiliar or questionable activities; "there was a congressional probe into the scandal" [syn: probe, investigation] 2: the work of inquiring into something thoroughly and systematically [syn: investigation, investigating]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0:

65 Moby Thesaurus words for "investigation": airing, amassing evidence, analysis, buzz session, canvassing, close inquiry, colloquium, conference, consideration, debate, debating, deliberation, delving, department of investigation, detection, detective work, dialectic, dialogue, discussion, enquiry, examination, exchange of views, exhaustive study, exploration, forum, hearing, indagation, inquest, inquiry, inquisition, interrogation, investigative bureau, joint discussion, legislative investigation, legwork, logical analysis, logical discussion, observation, observing, open discussion, open forum, panel discussion, perscrutation, probe, probing, quest, questioning, rap, rap session, research, review, scrutiny, search, seminar, sifting, sleuthing, sounding, study, survey, surveying, symposium, town meeting, treatment, ventilation, witch-hunt