Search Result for "q": 
Wordnet 3.0

NOUN (1)

1. the 17th letter of the Roman alphabet;
[syn: Q, q]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

Q \Q\ (k[=u]), the seventeenth letter of the English alphabet, has but one sound (that of k), and is always followed by u, the two letters together being sounded like kw, except in some words in which the u is silent. See Guide to Pronunciation, [sect] 249. Q is not found in Anglo-Saxon, cw being used instead of qu; as in cwic, quick; cwen, queen. The name (k[=u]) is from the French ku, which is from the Latin name of the same letter; its form is from the Latin, which derived it, through a Greek alphabet, from the Ph[oe]nician, the ultimate origin being Egyptian. [1913 Webster] Etymologically, q or qu is most nearly related to a (ch, tch), p, q, and wh; as in cud, quid, L. equus, ecus, horse, Gr. ?, whence E. equine, hippic; L. quod which, E. what; L. aquila, E. eaqle; E. kitchen, OE. kichene, AS. cycene, L. coquina. [1913 Webster]
WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006):

Q n 1: the 17th letter of the Roman alphabet [syn: Q, q]
The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (30 December 2018):

Q A very high level language by Per Bothner based on lazy generalised sequences. Q has lexical scope, and some support for logic programming[?] and constraint programming. The language includes small subsets of Common Lisp and Scheme. Q was a test-bed for programming language ideas. Where APL uses arrays for looping, Q uses generalised sequences which may be infinite and may be stored or calculated on demand. It has macros, primitives to run programs, and an interactive command language. Q is implemented in C++, and comes with an interpreter, compiler framework, libraries, and documentation. It runs on Linux and SUN-4 and should work on any 32-bit Unix. ( ). E-mail: Per Bothner . (2000-05-22)