Search Result for "mount": 
Wordnet 3.0

NOUN (5)

1. a lightweight horse kept for riding only;
[syn: saddle horse, riding horse, mount]

2. the act of climbing something;
- Example: "it was a difficult climb to the top"
[syn: climb, mount]

3. a land mass that projects well above its surroundings; higher than a hill;
[syn: mountain, mount]

4. a mounting consisting of a piece of metal (as in a ring or other jewelry) that holds a gem in place;
- Example: "the diamond was in a plain gold mount"
[syn: mount, setting]

5. something forming a back that is added for strengthening;
[syn: backing, mount]

VERB (8)

1. attach to a support;
- Example: "They mounted the aerator on a floating"

2. go up or advance;
- Example: "Sales were climbing after prices were lowered"
[syn: wax, mount, climb, rise]

3. fix onto a backing, setting, or support;
- Example: "mount slides for macroscopic analysis"

4. put up or launch;
- Example: "mount a campaign against pornography"

5. get up on the back of;
- Example: "mount a horse"
[syn: hop on, mount, mount up, get on, jump on, climb on, bestride]

6. go upward with gradual or continuous progress;
- Example: "Did you ever climb up the hill behind your house?"
[syn: climb, climb up, mount, go up]

7. prepare and supply with the necessary equipment for execution or performance;
- Example: "mount a theater production"
- Example: "mount an attack"
- Example: "mount a play"
[syn: mount, put on]

8. copulate with;
- Example: "The bull was riding the cow"
[syn: ride, mount]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

Mount \Mount\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. Mounted; p. pr. & vb. n. Mounting.] [OE. mounten, monten, F. monter, fr. L. mons, montis, mountain. See Mount, n. (above).] 1. To rise on high; to go up; to be upraised or uplifted; to tower aloft; to ascend; -- often with up. [1913 Webster] Though Babylon should mount up to heaven. --Jer. li. 53. [1913 Webster] The fire of trees and houses mounts on high. --Cowley. [1913 Webster] 2. To get up on anything, as a platform or scaffold; especially, to seat one's self on a horse for riding. [1913 Webster] 3. To attain in value; to amount. [1913 Webster] Bring then these blessings to a strict account, Make fair deductions, see to what they mount. --Pope. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

Mount \Mount\ (mount), n. [OE. munt, mont, mount, AS. munt, fr. L. mons, montis; cf. L. minae protections, E. eminent, menace: cf. F. mont. Cf. Mount, v., Mountain, Mont, Monte, Montem.] 1. A mass of earth, or earth and rock, rising considerably above the common surface of the surrounding land; a mountain; a high hill; -- used always instead of mountain, when put before a proper name; as, Mount Washington; otherwise, chiefly in poetry. [1913 Webster] 2. A bulwark for offense or defense; a mound. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] Hew ye down trees, and cast a mount against Jerusalem. --Jer. vi. 6. [1913 Webster] 3. [See Mont de pi['e]t['e].] A bank; a fund. [1913 Webster] 4. (Palmistry) Any one of seven fleshy prominences in the palm of the hand which are taken as significant of the influence of "planets," and called the mounts of Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, the Moon, Saturn, the Sun or Apollo, and Venus. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] Mount of piety. See Mont de pi['e]t['e]. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

Mount \Mount\, n. [From Mount, v.] That upon which a person or thing is mounted, especially: (a) A horse. [1913 Webster] She had so good a seat and hand, she might be trusted with any mount. --G. Eliot. [1913 Webster] (b) The cardboard or cloth on which a drawing, photograph, or the like is mounted; a mounting. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

Mount \Mount\, v. t. 1. To get upon; to ascend; to climb; as, to mount the pulpit and deliver a sermon. [1913 Webster] Shall we mount again the rural throne? --Dryden. [1913 Webster] 2. To place one's self on, as a horse or other animal, or anything that one sits upon; to bestride. [1913 Webster] 3. To cause to mount; to put on horseback; to furnish with animals for riding; to furnish with horses. "To mount the Trojan troop." --Dryden. [1913 Webster] 4. Hence: To put upon anything that sustains and fits for use, as a gun on a carriage, a map or picture on cloth or paper; to prepare for being worn or otherwise used, as a diamond by setting, or a sword blade by adding the hilt, scabbard, etc.; as, to mount a picture or diploma in a frame [1913 Webster] 5. To raise aloft; to lift on high. [1913 Webster] What power is it which mounts my love so high? --Shak. [1913 Webster] Note: A fort or ship is said to mount cannon, when it has them arranged for use in or about it. [1913 Webster] To mount guard (Mil.), to go on guard; to march on guard; to do duty as a guard. To mount a play, to prepare and arrange the scenery, furniture, etc., used in the play. [1913 Webster]
WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006):

mount n 1: a lightweight horse kept for riding only [syn: saddle horse, riding horse, mount] 2: the act of climbing something; "it was a difficult climb to the top" [syn: climb, mount] 3: a land mass that projects well above its surroundings; higher than a hill [syn: mountain, mount] 4: a mounting consisting of a piece of metal (as in a ring or other jewelry) that holds a gem in place; "the diamond was in a plain gold mount" [syn: mount, setting] 5: something forming a back that is added for strengthening [syn: backing, mount] v 1: attach to a support; "They mounted the aerator on a floating" 2: go up or advance; "Sales were climbing after prices were lowered" [syn: wax, mount, climb, rise] [ant: wane] 3: fix onto a backing, setting, or support; "mount slides for macroscopic analysis" 4: put up or launch; "mount a campaign against pornography" 5: get up on the back of; "mount a horse" [syn: hop on, mount, mount up, get on, jump on, climb on, bestride] [ant: get off, hop out] 6: go upward with gradual or continuous progress; "Did you ever climb up the hill behind your house?" [syn: climb, climb up, mount, go up] 7: prepare and supply with the necessary equipment for execution or performance; "mount a theater production"; "mount an attack"; "mount a play" [syn: mount, put on] 8: copulate with; "The bull was riding the cow" [syn: ride, mount]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0:

358 Moby Thesaurus words for "mount": Everest, Houyhnhnm, Olympus, accrue, accumulate, advance, aggravate, alp, amble, anabasis, appreciate, arise, arrange, arrangement, ascend, ascension, ascent, aspire, augment, back, back up, backdrop, background, backing, ball, balloon, be a gas, be a hit, be intimate, bearing, bestraddle, bestride, bidet, bill, bloat, board, bomb, boom, breed, broaden, brood mare, budge, build, build up, bushing, buss the clouds, canter, caracole, carriage horse, cart horse, cavalry horse, chandelle, change, change place, charger, chassis, circle, clamber, clamber up, climb, climb on, climb over, climb up, climbing, cohabit, colt, come together, come up, commit adultery, compose, coordinate, copulate, couple, courser, cover, crescendo, critter, curl upwards, curvet, deepen, descend, develop, diddle, dobbin, draft horse, dramatize, dray horse, driving horse, ebb, elevation, enhance, enlarge, entire, entire horse, equine, escalade, escalate, expand, fail, feature, fill horse, filler, filly, flop, flow, fly up, foal, fornicate, fountain, frame, frig, frisk, gain, gain altitude, gain strength, gallop, gelding, get ahead, get in, get on, get over, gigster, give a boost, give a lift, go, go aboard, go around, go on board, go on horseback, go round, go sideways, go up, grow, grow up, gush, gyrate, gyring up, hack, hackney, have sex, have sexual relations, headline, heighten, help up, hoick, hop in, horse, hump, hunter, increase, infrastructure, install, intensify, jet, jument, jump, jump in, launch, lay, lead, leader, leap, levitate, levitation, lie with, lift, lofty mountains, loom, lope, magnify, make a hit, make it with, make love, make out, mare, mat, mate, melodramatize, mountain, mounting, move, move over, multiply, nag, open, open a show, organize, pace, pack horse, palfrey, peak, piaffe, pile in, pile up, plow horse, plunge, pole horse, polo pony, post-horse, prance, prancer, premiere, prepare, present, preview, produce, progress, proliferate, put in place, put on, ramp, ready, rear, rear up, redouble, regress, remount, retrogress, ride bareback, ride hard, rider, riding horse, rise, rise up, rising, road horse, roadster, rocketing up, rotate, rouncy, rouse, run, run up, saddle horse, saddler, saltation, scale, scale the heights, scenarize, scene, scrabble up, scramble up, screw, seat, serve, service, set, set in motion, set off, set the stage, set up, setting, settle, shaft horse, shift, shin, shin up, shinny, shoot up, shooting up, show, sink, skeleton, sleep with, snowball, soar, soaring, spin, spiral, spire, spout, spread, spring, spurt, stage, stalking-horse, stallion, stand on tiptoe, stand up, star, steed, stir, straddle, stream, strengthen, struggle up, stud, studhorse, subside, succeed, sumpter, sumpter horse, support, surge, surmount, swarm up, sweep up, swell, take horse, takeoff, taking off, tarpan, the wooded mountains, theatricalize, thill horse, thiller, tittup, top horse, tor, tower, towering alps, travel, trot, try out, underframe, up, upclimb, upcoming, updraft, upgang, upgo, upgoing, upgrade, upgrow, upgrowth, upheave, uphill, upleap, uplift, upping, uprear, uprisal, uprise, uprising, uprush, upshoot, upslope, upspin, upstream, upsurge, upsurgence, upswarm, upsweep, upswing, upwind, vault, vise, wane, war-horse, wax, wheeler, wheelhorse, whirl, widen, wild horse, workhorse, zoom, zooming
The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (30 December 2018):

mount To make a file system available for access. Unix does this by associating the file system with a directory (the "mount point") within a currently mounted file system. The "root" file system is mounted on the root directory, "/" early in the boot sequence. "mount" is also the Unix command to do this, "unmount" breaks the association. E.g., "mount attaches a named file system to the file system hierarchy at the pathname location directory [...]" -- Unix manual page mount(8). File systems are usually mounted either at boot time under control of /etc/rc (or one of its subfiles) or on demand by an automounter daemon. Other operating systems such as VMS and DOS mount file systems as separate directory hierarchies without any common ancestor or root directory. Apparently derived from the physical sense of "mount" meaning "attach", as in "head-mounted display", or "set up", as in "always mount a scratch monkey, etc." Unix manual page: mount(8). (1997-04-14)
Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary:

Mount Palestine is a hilly country (Deut. 3:25; 11:11; Ezek. 34:13). West of Jordan the mountains stretch from Lebanon far down into Galilee, terminating in Carmel. The isolated peak of Tabor rises from the elevated plain of Esdraelon, which, in the south, is shut in by hills spreading over the greater part of Samaria. The mountains of Western and Middle Palestine do not extend to the sea, but gently slope into plains, and toward the Jordan fall down into the Ghor. East of the Jordan the Anti-Lebanon, stretching south, terminates in the hilly district called Jebel Heish, which reaches down to the Sea of Gennesareth. South of the river Hieromax there is again a succession of hills, which are traversed by wadies running toward the Jordan. These gradually descend to a level at the river Arnon, which was the boundary of the ancient trans-Jordanic territory toward the south. The composition of the Palestinian hills is limestone, with occasional strata of chalk, and hence the numerous caves, some of large extent, found there.