Search Result for "unable": 
Wordnet 3.0


1. (usually followed by `to') not having the necessary means or skill or know-how;
- Example: "unable to get to town without a car"
- Example: "unable to obtain funds"

2. (usually followed by `to') lacking necessary physical or mental ability;
- Example: "dyslexics are unable to learn to read adequately"
- Example: "the sun was unable to melt enough snow"

3. lacking in power or forcefulness;
- Example: "an ineffectual ruler"
- Example: "like an unable phoenix in hot ashes"
[syn: ineffective, ineffectual, unable]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

Unable \Un*a"ble\, a. Not able; not having sufficient strength, means, knowledge, skill, or the like; impotent; weak; helpless; incapable; -- now usually followed by an infinitive or an adverbial phrase; as, unable for work; unable to bear fatigue. [1913 Webster] Sapless age and weak unable limbs. --Shak. [1913 Webster]
WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006):

unable adj 1: (usually followed by `to') not having the necessary means or skill or know-how; "unable to get to town without a car"; "unable to obtain funds" [ant: able] 2: (usually followed by `to') lacking necessary physical or mental ability; "dyslexics are unable to learn to read adequately"; "the sun was unable to melt enough snow" 3: lacking in power or forcefulness; "an ineffectual ruler"; "like an unable phoenix in hot ashes" [syn: ineffective, ineffectual, unable]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0:

25 Moby Thesaurus words for "unable": ill-qualified, impotent, inadequate, incapable, incapable of, incompetent, ineffective, ineffectual, inefficient, inept, inferior, maladjusted, not equal to, not up to, powerless, unable to, unadapted, unadjusted, unendowed, unequipped, unfit, unfitted, ungifted, unqualified, untalented