Search Result for "forge": 
Wordnet 3.0

NOUN (2)

1. furnace consisting of a special hearth where metal is heated before shaping;

2. a workplace where metal is worked by heating and hammering;
[syn: forge, smithy]

VERB (7)

1. create by hammering;
- Example: "hammer the silver into a bowl"
- Example: "forge a pair of tongues"
[syn: forge, hammer]

2. make a copy of with the intent to deceive;
- Example: "he faked the signature"
- Example: "they counterfeited dollar bills"
- Example: "She forged a Green Card"
[syn: forge, fake, counterfeit]

3. come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle) after a mental effort;
- Example: "excogitate a way to measure the speed of light"
[syn: invent, contrive, devise, excogitate, formulate, forge]

4. move ahead steadily;
- Example: "He forged ahead"

5. move or act with a sudden increase in speed or energy;
[syn: forge, spurt, spirt]

6. make something, usually for a specific function;
- Example: "She molded the rice balls carefully"
- Example: "Form cylinders from the dough"
- Example: "shape a figure"
- Example: "Work the metal into a sword"
[syn: shape, form, work, mold, mould, forge]

7. make out of components (often in an improvising manner);
- Example: "She fashioned a tent out of a sheet and a few sticks"
[syn: fashion, forge]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

Forge \Forge\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Forged; p. pr. & vb. n. Forging.] [F. forger, OF. forgier, fr. L. fabricare, fabricari, to form, frame, fashion, from fabrica. See Forge, n., and cf. Fabricate.] 1. To form by heating and hammering; to beat into any particular shape, as a metal. [1913 Webster] Mars's armor forged for proof eterne. --Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. To form or shape out in any way; to produce; to frame; to invent. [1913 Webster] Those names that the schools forged, and put into the mouth of scholars, could never get admittance into common use. --Locke. [1913 Webster] Do forge a life-long trouble for ourselves. --Tennyson. [1913 Webster] 3. To coin. [Obs.] --Chaucer. [1913 Webster] 4. To make falsely; to produce, as that which is untrue or not genuine; to fabricate; to counterfeit, as, a signature, or a signed document. [1913 Webster] That paltry story is untrue, And forged to cheat such gulls as you. --Hudibras. [1913 Webster] Forged certificates of his . . . moral character. --Macaulay. Syn: To fabricate; counterfeit; feign; falsify. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

Forge \Forge\ (f[=o]rj), n. [F. forge, fr. L. fabrica the workshop of an artisan who works in hard materials, fr. faber artisan, smith, as adj., skillful, ingenious; cf. Gr. ? soft, tender. Cf. Fabric.] 1. A place or establishment where iron or other metals are wrought by heating and hammering; especially, a furnace, or a shop with its furnace, etc., where iron is heated and wrought; a smithy. [1913 Webster] In the quick forge and working house of thought. --Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. The works where wrought iron is produced directly from the ore, or where iron is rendered malleable by puddling and shingling; a shingling mill. [1913 Webster] 3. The act of beating or working iron or steel; the manufacture of metallic bodies. [Obs.] [1913 Webster] In the greater bodies the forge was easy. --Bacon. [1913 Webster] American forge, a forge for the direct production of wrought iron, differing from the old Catalan forge mainly in using finely crushed ore and working continuously. --Raymond. Catalan forge. (Metal.) See under Catalan. Forge cinder, the dross or slag form a forge or bloomary. Forge rolls, Forge train, the train of rolls by which a bloom is converted into puddle bars. Forge wagon (Mil.), a wagon fitted up for transporting a blackmith's forge and tools. Portable forge, a light and compact blacksmith's forge, with bellows, etc., that may be moved from place to place. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

Forge \Forge\, v. i. [See Forge, v. t., and for sense 2, cf. Forge compel.] 1. To commit forgery. [1913 Webster] 2. (Naut.) To move heavily and slowly, as a ship after the sails are furled; to work one's way, as one ship in outsailing another; -- used especially in the phrase to forge ahead. --Totten. [1913 Webster] And off she [a ship] forged without a shock. --De Quincey. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

Forge \Forge\, v. t. (Naut.) To impel forward slowly; as, to forge a ship forward. [1913 Webster]
WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006):

forge n 1: furnace consisting of a special hearth where metal is heated before shaping 2: a workplace where metal is worked by heating and hammering [syn: forge, smithy] v 1: create by hammering; "hammer the silver into a bowl"; "forge a pair of tongues" [syn: forge, hammer] 2: make a copy of with the intent to deceive; "he faked the signature"; "they counterfeited dollar bills"; "She forged a Green Card" [syn: forge, fake, counterfeit] 3: come up with (an idea, plan, explanation, theory, or principle) after a mental effort; "excogitate a way to measure the speed of light" [syn: invent, contrive, devise, excogitate, formulate, forge] 4: move ahead steadily; "He forged ahead" 5: move or act with a sudden increase in speed or energy [syn: forge, spurt, spirt] 6: make something, usually for a specific function; "She molded the rice balls carefully"; "Form cylinders from the dough"; "shape a figure"; "Work the metal into a sword" [syn: shape, form, work, mold, mould, forge] 7: make out of components (often in an improvising manner); "She fashioned a tent out of a sheet and a few sticks" [syn: fashion, forge]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0:

93 Moby Thesaurus words for "forge": act like, affect, assume, beat, blacksmith shop, block out, bloomery, borrow, build, carve, cast, chisel, chorus, coin, concoct, construct, cook up, copy, counterfeit, create, crib, cut, devise, ditto, do, do like, echo, efform, fabricate, fake, falsify, fantasize, fashion, figure, fix, form, formalize, found, foundry, frame, fudge, furnace, go like, hatch, hew, hoke, hoke up, imitate, invent, knead, knock out, lay out, lick into shape, make, make like, make up, manufacture, metalworks, mint, mirror, model, mold, mould, plagiarize, pound, put together, reecho, reflect, repeat, reproduce, rough out, roughcast, roughhew, sculpt, sculpture, set, shape, shove the queer, simulate, smelter, smithery, smithy, stamp, steel mill, steelworks, stithy, tailor, thermoform, think up, trump up, turn out, utter, work