Search Result for "cinclus_mexicanus":
Wordnet 3.0

NOUN (1)

1. a water ouzel of western North America;
[syn: American water ouzel, Cinclus mexicanus]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

Ousel \Ou"sel\ ([oo^]"z'l), n. [OE. osel, AS. [=o]sle; akin to G. amsel, OHG. amsala, and perh. to L. merula blackbird. Cf. Merle, Amsel.] (Zool.) One of several species of European thrushes, especially the blackbird (Merula merula, or Turdus merula), and the mountain or ring ousel (Turdus torquatus). [Written also ouzel.] [1913 Webster] Rock ousel (Zool.), the ring ousel. Water ousel (Zool.), the European dipper (Cinclus aquaticus), and the American dipper (Cinclus Mexicanus). [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

Water ousel \Wa"ter ou"sel\, Water ouzel \Wa"ter ou"zel\ . (Zool.) Any one of several species of small insessorial birds of the genus Cinclus (or Hydrobates), especially the European water ousel (Cinclus aquaticus), and the American water ousel (Cinclus Mexicanus). These birds live about the water, and are in the habit of walking on the bottom of streams beneath the water in search of food. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

Dipper \Dip"per\, n. 1. One who, or that which, dips; especially, a vessel used to dip water or other liquid; a ladle. [1913 Webster] 2. (Zool.) (a) A small grebe; the dabchick. (b) The buffel duck. (c) The water ouzel (Cinolus aquaticus) of Europe. (d) The American dipper or ouzel (Cinclus Mexicanus). [1913 Webster] The Dipper (Astron.), the seven principal stars in the constellation of the Great Bear; popularly so called from their arrangement in the form of a dipper; -- called also Charles's Wain. See Ursa Major, under Ursa. [1913 Webster]
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

Cinclus \Cinclus\ n. the type genus of the bird family Cinclidae. It includes the water ouzels Cinclus aquaticus of Europe and Cinclus mexicanus of western North America. Syn: genus Cinclus. [WordNet 1.5 +PJC]
WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006):

Cinclus mexicanus n 1: a water ouzel of western North America [syn: American water ouzel, Cinclus mexicanus]