Search Result for "splayfoot": 
Wordnet 3.0

NOUN (1)

1. a foot afflicted with a fallen arch; abnormally flattened and spread out;
[syn: flatfoot, splayfoot, pes planus]


1. having feet that turn outward;
[syn: splayfooted, splayfoot]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

Splayfoot \Splay"foot`\, n.; pl. Splayfeet. A foot that is abnormally flattened and spread out; flat foot. [1913 Webster] Splayfoot
The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

Splayfoot \Splay"foot`\, Splayfooted \Splay"foot`ed\ a. Having a splayfoot or splayfeet. [1913 Webster]
WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006):

splayfoot adj 1: having feet that turn outward [syn: splayfooted, splayfoot] [ant: pigeon-toed] n 1: a foot afflicted with a fallen arch; abnormally flattened and spread out [syn: flatfoot, splayfoot, pes planus]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0:

90 Moby Thesaurus words for "splayfoot": arch, bandy, bandy-legged, blemished, bloated, bowlegged, bowlegs, camelback, cleft palate, club-footed, clubfoot, crookback, defaced, defacement, deformation, deformed, deformity, digit, disfigured, disfigurement, dog, dwarfed, extremity, fetlock, flatfoot, flatfooted, foot, forefoot, forepaw, freakishness, grotesque, harefoot, harelip, heel, hoof, humpback, hunchback, ill-made, ill-proportioned, ill-shaped, instep, knock-knee, knock-kneed, kyphosis, lordosis, malconformation, malformation, malformed, marred, misbegotten, misproportion, misproportioned, misshape, misshapen, monstrosity, monstrous, mutilated, mutilation, out of shape, pad, pastern, patte, paw, pedal extremity, pedes, pes, pied, pigeon-toed, pug, pug-nosed, rachitic, rickety, simous, snub-nosed, sole, stumpy, swayback, swaybacked, talipedic, talipes, teratology, toe, tootsy, torticollis, trotter, truncated, truncation, ungula, valgus, wryneck