Search Result for "irascible": 
Wordnet 3.0


1. quickly aroused to anger;
- Example: "a hotheaded commander"
[syn: choleric, irascible, hotheaded, hot-tempered, quick-tempered, short-tempered]

2. characterized by anger;
- Example: "a choleric outburst"
- Example: "an irascible response"
[syn: choleric, irascible]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

Irascible \I*ras"ci*ble\, a. [L. irascibilis, fr. irasci to be angry, ira anger: cf. F. irascible. See Ire.] Prone to anger; easily provoked or inflamed to anger; choleric; irritable; as, an irascible man; an irascible temper or mood. -- I*ras"ci*ble*ness, n. -- I*ras"ci*bly, adv. [1913 Webster]
WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006):

irascible adj 1: quickly aroused to anger; "a hotheaded commander" [syn: choleric, irascible, hotheaded, hot-tempered, quick-tempered, short-tempered] 2: characterized by anger; "a choleric outburst"; "an irascible response" [syn: choleric, irascible]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0:

56 Moby Thesaurus words for "irascible": agitable, bearish, bitchy, cankered, cantankerous, churlish, contrary, crabbed, cranky, cross, cross-grained, crusty, cussed, difficult, disagreeable, edgy, emotional, emotionally unstable, eruptive, excitable, explosive, feisty, fractious, froward, high-mettled, high-spirited, high-strung, highly emotional, huffish, huffy, inflammable, irritable, mean, mettlesome, nervous, ornery, perturbable, perverse, prickly, sensitive, skittish, snappish, spiteful, spleeny, splenetic, startlish, stuffy, sulky, sullen, testy, touchy, ugly, volcanic, waspish, wayward, wrongheaded