Search Result for "holdover": 
Wordnet 3.0

NOUN (2)

1. an official who remains in office after his term;
[syn: holdover, hangover]

2. something that has survived from the past;
- Example: "a holdover from the sixties"
- Example: "hangovers from the 19th century"
[syn: hangover, holdover]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

holdover \holdover\ n. Any person or thing remaining from a previous period of use, tenure, etc; Specifically: an official who remains in office after his term. Syn: hangover. [WordNet 1.5]
WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006):

holdover n 1: an official who remains in office after his term [syn: holdover, hangover] 2: something that has survived from the past; "a holdover from the sixties"; "hangovers from the 19th century" [syn: hangover, holdover]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0:

56 Moby Thesaurus words for "holdover": afterglow, afterimage, balance, butt, butt end, candle ends, chaff, debris, detritus, end, fag end, filings, fossil, husks, incumbent, ins, jack-in-office, lame duck, leavings, leftovers, new broom, odds and ends, office-bearer, officeholder, offscourings, orts, parings, president-elect, public official, public servant, rags, refuse, relics, remainder, remains, remnant, residue, residuum, rest, roach, rubbish, ruins, rump, sawdust, scourings, scraps, shadow, shavings, straw, stubble, stump, survival, sweepings, trace, vestige, waste