Search Result for "grueling": 
Wordnet 3.0


1. characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort;
- Example: "worked their arduous way up the mining valley"
- Example: "a grueling campaign"
- Example: "hard labor"
- Example: "heavy work"
- Example: "heavy going"
- Example: "spent many laborious hours on the project"
- Example: "set a punishing pace"
[syn: arduous, backbreaking, grueling, gruelling, hard, heavy, laborious, operose, punishing, toilsome]

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

grueling \grueling\, gruelling \gruelling\adj. 1. characterized by toilsome effort; requiring extreme physical or mental effort; as, a grueling campaign. Syn: arduous, backbreaking, back-breaking, exhausting, gruelling, hard, heavy, laborious, labourious, punishing, slavish, strenuous, toilsome. [WordNet 1.5]
WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006):

grueling adj 1: characterized by effort to the point of exhaustion; especially physical effort; "worked their arduous way up the mining valley"; "a grueling campaign"; "hard labor"; "heavy work"; "heavy going"; "spent many laborious hours on the project"; "set a punishing pace" [syn: arduous, backbreaking, grueling, gruelling, hard, heavy, laborious, operose, punishing, toilsome]
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0:

60 Moby Thesaurus words for "grueling": Herculean, annoying, arduous, backbreaking, besetting, bothersome, burdensome, castigatory, chastening, chastising, corrective, crushing, devitalizing, disciplinary, draining, effortful, enervating, enfeebling, exhausting, fatiguesome, fatiguing, forced, hard-earned, hard-fought, heavy, hefty, inflictive, irksome, killing, labored, laborious, onerous, operose, oppressive, painful, penal, penological, plaguey, punishing, punitive, punitory, retributive, sapping, strained, straining, strenuous, stressful, tiresome, tiring, toilsome, tough, troublesome, trying, uphill, vexatious, weakening, weariful, wearing, wearisome, wearying