Search Result for "cultural": 
Wordnet 3.0


1. of or relating to the arts and manners that a group favors;
- Example: "cultural events"
- Example: "a person of broad cultural interests"

2. denoting or deriving from or distinctive of the ways of living built up by a group of people;
- Example: "influenced by ethnic and cultural ties"- J.F.Kennedy
- Example: "ethnic food"
[syn: cultural, ethnic, ethnical]

3. of or relating to the shared knowledge and values of a society;
- Example: "cultural roots"

4. relating to the raising of plants or animals;
- Example: "a cultural variety"

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

Cultural \Cul"tur*al\ (k?l"t?r-al), a. Of or pertaining to culture. [1913 Webster]
WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006):

cultural adj 1: of or relating to the arts and manners that a group favors; "cultural events"; "a person of broad cultural interests" 2: denoting or deriving from or distinctive of the ways of living built up by a group of people; "influenced by ethnic and cultural ties"- J.F.Kennedy; "ethnic food" [syn: cultural, ethnic, ethnical] 3: of or relating to the shared knowledge and values of a society; "cultural roots" 4: relating to the raising of plants or animals; "a cultural variety"
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0:

24 Moby Thesaurus words for "cultural": autodidactic, coeducational, didactic, disciplinary, edifying, educating, educational, educative, enlightening, exhortatory, homiletic, hortatory, illuminating, informative, initiatory, instructive, introductory, lecturing, preaching, preceptive, propaedeutic, self-teaching, teaching, tuitionary