Search Result for "potato tree":
Wordnet 3.0

NOUN (2)

1. South American shrub or small tree widely cultivated in the tropics; not a true potato;
[syn: potato tree, Brazilian potato tree, Solanum wrightii, Solanum macranthum]

2. hardy climbing shrub of Chile grown as an ornamental for its fragrant flowers; not a true potato;
[syn: potato tree, Solanum crispum]

WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006):

potato tree n 1: South American shrub or small tree widely cultivated in the tropics; not a true potato [syn: potato tree, Brazilian potato tree, Solanum wrightii, Solanum macranthum] 2: hardy climbing shrub of Chile grown as an ornamental for its fragrant flowers; not a true potato [syn: potato tree, Solanum crispum]