Search Result for "chlorinate": 
Wordnet 3.0

VERB (2)

1. treat or combine with chlorine;
- Example: "chlorinated water"

2. disinfect with chlorine;
- Example: "chlorinate a pool"

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

Chlorinate \Chlo"rin*ate\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. Chlorinated; p. pr. & vb. n. Chlorinating.] (Chem.) To treat, or cause to combine, with chlorine. [1913 Webster]
WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006):

chlorinate v 1: treat or combine with chlorine; "chlorinated water" 2: disinfect with chlorine; "chlorinate a pool"
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0:

64 Moby Thesaurus words for "chlorinate": acetify, acidify, acidulate, aerate, aerify, alkalify, alkalize, antisepticize, atomize, autoclave, boil, borate, carbonate, catalyze, chemical, decontaminate, delouse, disinfect, distill, electrolyze, emit, etherify, etherize, evaporate, exhale, ferment, fluidize, fractionate, fume, fumigate, gasify, give off, homopolymerize, hydrate, hydrogenate, hydroxylate, hygienize, isomerize, nitrate, oxidize, oxygenate, pasteurize, pepsinate, perfume, peroxidize, phosphatize, polymerize, reduce, reek, sanitate, sanitize, send out, smoke, spray, steam, sterilize, sublimate, sublime, sulfate, sulfatize, sulfonate, vaporize, volatilize, work