Search Result for "parietaria officinalis":

The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48:

Pellitory \Pel"li*to*ry\, n. [OE. paritorie, OF. paritoire, F. pari['e]taire; (cf. It. & Sp. parietaria), L. parietaria the parietary, or pellitory, the wall plant, fr. parietarius belonging to the walls, fr. paries, parietis a wall. Cf. Parietary.] (Bot.) The common name of the several species of the genus Parietaria, low, harmless weeds of the Nettle family; -- also called wall pellitory, and lichwort. [1913 Webster] Note: Parietaria officinalis is common on old walls in Europe; Parietaria pennsylvanica is found in the United States; and six or seven more species are found near the Mediterranean, or in the Orient. [1913 Webster]