Search Result for "xerography": 
Wordnet 3.0

NOUN (1)

1. forming an image by the action of light on a specially coated charged plate; the latent image is developed with powders that adhere only to electrically charged areas;
- Example: "edge enhancement is intrinsic in xerography"

WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006):

xerography n 1: forming an image by the action of light on a specially coated charged plate; the latent image is developed with powders that adhere only to electrically charged areas; "edge enhancement is intrinsic in xerography"
Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0:

63 Moby Thesaurus words for "xerography": albertype, book printing, chromotypography, chromotypy, chromoxylography, collotype, color printing, duplication, electronography, electrostatic printing, graphic arts, gravure, halftone engraving, hectography, history of printing, job printing, letterpress, letterpress photoengraving, line engraving, lithography, lithogravure, lithophotogravure, mimeograph, mimeography, offset, offset lithography, onset, palaeotypography, photo-offset, photochemical process, photoengraving, photogelatin process, photographic reproduction, photography, photolithography, phototypography, phototypy, photozincography, planographic printing, planography, printing, printmaking, publication, publishing, reduplication, relief printing, reproduction, reprography, rotary photogravure, rotogravure, rubbing, sheetwork, stencil, three-color printing, tracing, transcription, two-color printing, typography, typolithography, wood-block printing, xeroprinting, xylotypography, zincography